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  1. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club will shoot July 23ed

    Redwoods Airgun Club July 23ed match results Redwoods Airgun Club will have a 2nd July shoot it will be Saturday July 23ed shooting time starts 9AM Dick Strever
  2. strever

    Open Grove Results 7-10-16

    Congratulations Vipha & Kim for winning
  3. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club July shoot

    July Results we had 2 guest for our July shoot Jim Benson drove all the way down from Washington State and when ask why he said there are no sanctioned USARB shoots in Washington Steve Ware showed up from Grants Pass and everyone had a good time & good shoot...
  4. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club July shoot

    Redwoods Airgun Club July shoot will be this Saturday July 2nd start shooting time 9AM Dick Strever
  5. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club's 1st match

    Paul the Sumo did not shoot that well as a 22 cal when i switched it to .177 it became a super accurate gun
  6. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club's 1st match

    we had our first match and did not get any guests from the mailing list so we decided to have two matches today was forecast for and we had the highest winds for this area in the last 30 days it started early around 8AM with the swirls changing directions and by the 2nd match was blowing hard...
  7. strever

    RAW Crushes All Previous Club Records.....

    Mark i want to welcome you to Benchrest Central and congratulate you on your score nice shooting will see you in Oxnard i hope Dick
  8. strever

    Check out the scores in LV and HV from Russia M-2 Benchrest

    yes he got a 22 cal should have gotten .177 and he hasn't been back to answer if he likes it or not Dick
  9. strever

    Check out the scores in LV and HV from Russia M-2 Benchrest

    there is one pictured a few threads below Paul at least one Ataman with benchrest stock is now in Florida edited to add Ataman with benchrest stock
  10. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club

    Thank you for the compliments Gentlemen you are all invited any time you are in this part of the world Dick Strever
  11. strever

    Redwoods Airgun Club

    we have been working to get our bench-rest range ready to shoot and are finally there so we decided to have a test run match in the afternoon after the work today myself, Tony, & my 2nd son who has never shot a bench-rest gun before and and didn't know to fill the...
  12. strever

    Ataman Bench rest rifle arrived

    Ken how do you like the gun ? is it up to your expectations it sure is a good looking gun Dick
  13. strever

    Ataman Bench rest rifle arrived

    Thank you Frank & congratulations don't see any flags in the picts did any of you 4 benchrest shooters have any flags ? Dick
  14. strever

    Ataman Bench rest rifle arrived

    how did it shoot this weekend ?
  15. strever

    Buying pellets by lot number

    my mistake on cpl points previously but it was late Precision will give you the box so you have the label i did get some additional tins with the label on the bottom but am having a problem REMEMBERING who sucks getting old :( Dick Dave the person at Predator is Dick and his ph # is (303) 761-1236
  16. strever

    Holbrook indoor Scoreline results 4/2/2016

    Todd you have time to take lots of picts every time you shoot if that is an example with 9 minutes left on the clock please always take your camera with you :D we like picts we have 2 shooters who shoot in less then 10 min we need to have them bring their cameras Dick
  17. strever

    Buying pellets by lot number

    Gentlemen the biggest retailer selling JSB with original mfg labels on the bottom is AOA their next shipment is supposedly on the boat now the other retailer i used is Bori & Peter @ Topguns just purchased by Joe Brancato i don't know if Joe is going to continue using Bori's contacts at JSB the...
  18. strever

    Holbrook indoor Scoreline results 4/2/2016

    where on facebook Paul ? does the club have a facebook page ?
  19. strever

    Buying pellets by lot number

    if we ALL complain to the large retailer maybe just maybe they would work with us but i doubt it the tins no longer have the JSB MFG label on the back of the tins from the importer they buy from the tins coming directly from JSB for other then this importer still have the label on the bottom the...
  20. strever

    Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Indoors - March 9, 2016

    It was possibly our most competitive indoor match of the season. Ron shot a nice 750-58X moving him up one rung in the Scoreline Indoor HV ladder, Frank shot his first 250, Tony is making inroads into LV, andI shot my best indoor match ever. Can we repeat this in two weeks...