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  1. L

    Super Shoot and small groups

    Wilbur, I'm pretty sure we can get you a golf cart so you can cruise around in style. That's what a lot of the less spunky fellers do. As to the will to win, come on now, you telling me that if the rifle was shooting good you would just go through the motions??? Bullcrap! So the issue is a good...
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    Super Shoot and small groups

    You do have a mighty fine shooting rail gun! I too fixed a couple of old Leupolds with my rail gun and even fixed a variety of other scopes by changing barrels or bullets.:) On the more serious side the lower recoil of a rail gun does not bring out the true crap a bad scope is capable of. So are...
  3. L

    Super Shoot and small groups

    Okay, my last attempt at clarity. I shot with a March scope and won the LV 100 yard leg and the LV Grand. In this instance I beat Tony in both the 100 and 200 LV yard aggs He was using a Leupold on his LV rifle. In the heavy varmint 100 and 200 he beat handily! However, I believe that he was...
  4. L

    Super Shoot and small groups

    I have been using March scopes for quite a few years without worry. The winner of the SS , as I understand it from previous conversations with him, has sent back his Leupold scopes every year to be checked out. An excellent shooter from Texas has frozen his Leupolds and now they work extremely...
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    Allen Arnette shot a .098 at 200 yards

    First time starting a post...hope this works. Trying to insert picture from phone. In any case this is a new Super Shoot record shot with Allen's AA Bullets. This was in tough conditions! Congrats Allen. Larry
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    Shamrock 2 Gun results

    brady The best part of this shoot was shooting next to Brady Knight who made his first showing in two years. He made a fine showing shooting several great groups and finishing well. Honorable mention goes to Bart and Billy who went out of their way, as usual, to help. Larry
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    The Mighty Trout (aka Bill Green)

    I'll believe the promise on no more short jokes when you know what freezes over. Congrats buddy even if you are from Arcadia ( local joke ). Larry
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    A cactus thank you

    Tom, I would like to add my thanks to everyone that made the match run. Some of the worst wind conditions I have ever seen yet the match ran flawlessly. Well done fellows! Larry
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    Need explanation of T.Boyers reloading comment

    Thought so too.... :cool:
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    Need explanation of T.Boyers reloading comment

    Yes Wilbur you are right. Sorry I did not make it clear when I wrote that. It just means unscrew the decap assembly until the sizing button floats up with the neck without sizing it again. You are correct on your statement of the results. Larry Costa
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    Jack Neary's Mother

    Sorry to read the sad news Jack. Our sincere condolences, you and your family are in our prayers. Larry and Dee.
  12. L

    Getting back to weighing powder

    Ok, last post until test if Wilbur comes over in Feb. Jim, I have the scale you mentioned and don't use it. A single speck of 133 weighs .01 grains on average. Measuring to 1/2 of one is not practical when competing unless you preload and in short range benchrest we expect to shoot a few...
  13. L

    Getting back to weighing powder

    Jim, I don't have a clue what you said. We will basically load 100 cases , 20 of each load. For group one Wilbur will give me 5 bullets of one of the loads and record what he gave me. Next group he could give me something else and record that, etc. We need a statistical significant sampling...
  14. L

    Getting back to weighing powder

    Hi Wilbur. Just caught up with the thread. Sorry! My understanding of our test is that I would shoot about 4 groups each of 29.8, 30.0, 30.2, 30.4 and 30.6. I would have the weighed charges pre-measured and you can verify them before you pour them in the cases. I would seat the bullets. You...
  15. L

    For your enjoyment: Sir Charles shooting at 200 at the 2013 WBC (article with video)

    Wayne, Your question relates to the smoothness of Charles opening his bolt yet you have to fight your bolt opening. This has to do in great part with the match between the sizing die and the chambering die. The sizing die has to sufficiently size the case or you will be fighting the bolt all the...
  16. L

    For your enjoyment: Sir Charles shooting at 200 at the 2013 WBC (article with video)

    Hi Fergus, My caddy has 7 rounds which I fill. I shoot off the towel the fouler and maybe one more shot if I've Iossoed the barrel. When I decide all is well I have seven rounds to complete the group. I rarely shoot a sighter after I've started the group so having two sighters available in the...
  17. L

    For your enjoyment: Sir Charles shooting at 200 at the 2013 WBC (article with video)

    One other interesting thing about the picture to me is the amo caddy on the joystick. I designed that concept and have been using it for 8 years non-stop. For the first 2 years people would just laugh or shake their heads, then David Reynolds, Jeff Graves and Buddy Ross started using them, a...
  18. L

    March Scopes keep on winning

    Guys, Full disclosure: I have bought quite a few March scopes. The three rifles that were stolen from me had March scopes so they had to be replaced when I thought they were gone for good. When the rifles were found by the cops I now had 7 of them. All are 50 power with the middle sized dot ...
  19. L

    WBC12 10 shot

    Congratulations Kobus! You have sure improved with a vengeance in the last few years!! My goodness you have become a World Class BAD MAN. Good going buddy. Wayne and Bob, you've done good boys, and Wayne remember s&^%t happens to all of us, it's how you come back that counts. Proud of you! Larry
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    Congratulations Sir Charles

    I was emailed to inform me that Gene had won 2 in a row and that this was almost his third, whereas I posted it was 3 already. I stand corrected but still, that's a pretty awesome record. I also forgot to give Bob Scarborough a big congratulations on a fine 3rd place. You done good. Larry