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    Try here now

    Only a SUCKER purchased one on them. Or they have money to burn.
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    2 Gun Shamrock 2020 Hello All,
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    Wallkill Rod & Gun Club IR5050 Matches will be hwld, but LIMITED to 8 SHOOTERS

    Tim Bob answered your question. If things change and I can have more than 8 shooters I will do that.
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    Yesterdays Results
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    Wallkill Rod & Gun Club IR5050 Matches will be hwld, but LIMITED to 8 SHOOTERS

    Tim Not for nothing but it is the way you come across and ask questions. It appears that you are pointing fingers and are demanding answer to your questions. Take a chill pill and try to enjoy the shoots that you have this year with everything going on. Again Tim take a chill pill. Russell
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    05/03 Wallkill Rod & Gun Club Matches CANCELLED

    Rimfire Bill, These are rimfire matches. Russell
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    Joe Krupa ?

    Dave I have to believe that Joe carries that around in his wallet. Russell
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    A Tribute to Allie Euber

    WOW, That was really AWESOME!!!!! RIP Allie
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    Current Weikert conditions?

    Ha Coots will you be coming with your Rubber Ducky.
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    Current Weikert conditions?

    Water in the River at Union County See if this helps you Joe as we know you like to be close to the river.
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    Wayne Campbell

    Andy, I don't want you to cut yourself short so therefore if you show Mr. Campbell that you are willing to put you best foot forward and take 1st place from Mr. Campbell then I got you cover for the $100.00 AS put your best foot forward and show him you mean business. Russell
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    Benchrest Seminar

    Listen Carefully Listen Boys and Girls, These are the most accurate rifle in the world that can produce a 5 shot groups smaller than little finger nail on your hand at 100 Yards. If you are serious, looking to improve your equipment, improve on your bad shooting habits or wanting to compete...
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    C-Bar Cleaning Solvent

    Careful as Coots may dip his toast in it in the morning. Especially if someone is buying.
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    Bob DeMonstoy

    To finish the story from what Bob told me he was lying there and he seen a women coming down to see what happen he looked at his leg and seen the direction that it was laying and he did not what her to see it so he kick his busted up leg over so the woman would not see it laying there bent in...
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    Harley Baker

    Pic's Joel you have gotta have some pictures of the Hacienda somewhere.
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    Harley Baker

    Wow!! After all of this I have to believe Harleys attire will be the utmost you will ever see at a benchrest match other then our dear friends Tom Libby and the Pig Man (may they rest in peace) and that is only if you really want to see Harley's new attire collection the was removed and made...
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    Harley Baker

    Joel, I realize that this was from one of the Pro Am matches from some time back but on a quick read it appeared as it was from yesterday. I must be something that feel off of that boat that he is on or one of those spaceships that you have seen. Like I said FISHY.
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    Harley Baker

    Might I ask is this legit. As I never heard about this match and a two day match in Syracuse this time of the year. Something smells FISHY.
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    Young Shooter Impression

    Devin, I would like to say congrats on a VERY Fine year of shooting and I am looking forward to seeing you at the range for many years to come. I really enjoyed watching you stomp your father this year as we all know that he is a TOP Dog himself along with your Grandfather (Butch) as well. Keep...
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    Hog Roast registration

    Dave, Still waiting to hear if they are planning on having the match or not as there is turmoil at this time. Russell