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  1. K

    Canadian shooters being harased at boarder

    I must admit I am always a bit scared this will happen to me; I live close to the NY border and, whenever possible I try and cross there. My experience has been that in general most of the guys have been more interested in the rifles than the paper work. Ken
  2. K

    The why of seating depth ?

    Interesting read. Ken
  3. K

    Burning Powder

    Tidbit On the subject of barrel wear, I read a paper somewhere - on line - claiming that powder manufacturers were now including, -polysiloxane resin to the list of possible additives. Ken
  4. K

    Burning Powder

    Interesting; I had not grouped these two together. Thanks Ken
  5. K

    Burning Powder

    Muzzle blast as in sensible heat? Ken
  6. K

    "Percent Fill" effect on accuracy

    I find your interpretation of my post grossly errored and your argument non-factual. 1. Where is the all burnt in relation to the peak pressure? 2. So, sensitivity has nothing to do with form function? 3. Burn Rates are not controlled? P.S. I have an extremely low tolerance for attitude...
  7. K

    "Percent Fill" effect on accuracy

    Burn Rate function sequence: The first event, ignition, depends on the propagation of a flame front, generated by a priming source (at the rear of case) and burning of those propellant grains ignited first, through the propellant bed. The second event, a regressive burning of the propellant...
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    "Percent Fill" effect on accuracy

    Well hey Al we do hot have to agree on everything. :) Flame propagation is a function of pressure; a high load density results in an earlier and a higher peak pressure than a lower load density. However, the volume into which the gasses are moving is increasing and this decreases pressure...
  9. K

    "Percent Fill" effect on accuracy

    Just a guess but, this is probably more evident with long straight cases with larger bullets relative to case diameter where flame propagation starting at rear of case ignites more easily than powder that is running up behind the bullet (and possibly compressed) resulting in a widening of the...
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    In the long run which is more precise or accurate on target

    all else being equal Like I said Al I do not disagree but I am not totally convinced yet……. But, you are doing a pretty good job!!!. I certainly do not have any hard data only empirical observations as a few others. Pete mentioned about seeing more and more shooters coming preloaded; I also...
  11. K

    In the long run which is more precise or accurate on target

    all else being equal I do not disagree; however, if I want to add more weight to a full case I need to increase the volumetric density. I think Charles is correct; there are numerous mechanisms that affect Burn Rates. Ken
  12. K

    In the long run which is more precise or accurate on target

    Without answering the question, I would say that they work together and if you change one everything changes. Ken
  13. K

    In the long run which is more precise or accurate on target

    It is variable. Preloading with the proper conditions, procedures and equipment works most of the time. Loading at the range is more of an art. Ken
  14. K

    Lot mixing of powder

    Density versus Load Density or Bulk Density The Intrinsic properties no doubt far out weigh the Intensive properties. I believe the powder companies; before mixing lots, expose the powders to atmosphere a certain amount of time to allow the surface moisture to become uniform. Ken
  15. K

    Article on the effects of moisture content of powder- Aug. PS

    Good article; very interesting. However, I think there are many parts to the equation and when looking at moisture content you have to look at the material make-up and its properties in relation to the whole. Ken
  16. K

    Thank You Everyone!

    Pete Yes; I second that. To you and all your team…….. Thanks Much Appreciated. Ken
  17. K

    Water soaked powder charge

    The Reasoning: Water is added to industrial nitrocellulose in order to reduce the flammability and burning speed but I have never heard of the manufacturers of smokeless powders adding this variable to set standards. As I see it the water content has more to do with arriving at a set energy...
  18. K

    Water soaked powder charge

    Thank you Sir for your reply and, looking forward to your next post. I think I have a grasp on a few key aspects of powder makeup and the physical processes that occur at the burning surface but, the chemical reactions of combustion/burning process; not at all. From what I have read your...
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    Water soaked powder charge

    Thank you Mr. Childs for starting this thread and posting your studies. I find this subject fascinating and have read a fair amount on it; most of which is a way over my head but, I enjoy trying to learn how things work. I have a couple of questions. I am having somewhat of a hard time...
  20. K

    Powder: shapes, sizes, weights and volumes

    Jackie I am not sure either but I think the powder making business is both science and art. Powder is blended, recycled, mixed, sieved and screened. No so easy to be exact and, somewhat represented by what we see with the differences from lot to lot. When it comes to Web Size - The distance of...