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  1. J

    Need some help with a 6BRX problem...

    Charles-- It would seem that if your primer pocket expansion is not from oversize chambers, it must be from too-high pressure. Your velocity is on the low side for the powder choice and charge, so the pressure spike has got to come from the bullet's resistance to travel down the bore at a...
  2. J

    New Sierra 210 Matchking

    Has anyone tried the new .308 210 grain Sierra bullets? Stated B.C. of .645, curious how they might compare to the Berger 210. Jerry
  3. J

    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Boyd, It is a 6.5x47, 40 degree Ackley, shoulder pushed forward .090. 130 JLk @ 3000 fps. It's just finished, I'm still testing, I will know more in the coming week or two. From what I've seen so far, tensioning doesn't hurt the barrel's performance. I had to rework my action attachment and...
  4. J

    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Or... my 17lb Light Gun w/ integral tensioned barrel tube. Jerry
  5. J

    Aluminum-Stock Tensioned-Barrel Light Gun Done

    Having finished my aluminum stock NBRSA 1000yd Heavy Gun a while ago, I wanted to make a Light Gun that would share the same rear mechanical rest and test some theories. I know tensioned barrels are not new, but they are new to me so I thought I'd see how it worked. So far so good. Some...
  6. J

    Case Wall to Chamber Clearance Question

    Al-- This pic shows a 30/338 Lapua Mag, the production 300 Norma Mag, and my version of "improving" the 300 Norma. As far as case taper, Norma factory has already taken most of that out. I'm impressed with the case interior around the flash hole, it looks nicely drilled and beveled, almost...
  7. J

    Wolf Pup / Al Nyhus

    I shot a .308 Norma Mag at 1000yds eight-nine years ago, maybe I'm feeling nostalgic with my 30 caliber build. Some days, however, I feel like chucking it all and joining the Dasher craze.
  8. J

    Wolf Pup / Al Nyhus

    Charles, for what it's worth, I have been shooting a short-neck, 40-degree improved 6.5x47 in 1000yd for a few months. I had a picture of the Wolfpup hanging on my wall for inspiration, but at crunch time, couldn't bring myself to go that short a neck. The case has about .185 to the start of...
  9. J

    Case Wall to Chamber Clearance Question

    Thanks, Greg. My plan is to get a chamber reamer and a sizing reamer and make seating and sizing dies from Newlon blanks. It's not standard specs. I've reduced the neck angle from 20 to 30 degrees by pushing it into a Lazzeroni Patriot die. (Same base and shoulder diameters). It proved a...
  10. J

    Case Wall to Chamber Clearance Question

    Thanks, maybe Al will chime in. I'm curious now about his method.
  11. J

    Case Wall to Chamber Clearance Question

    I'm working with the New 300 Norma Mag case (not 308 Norma Mag) for a HG project. I have a 300 Norma Mag PTG reamer print, and in comparing the print to the measured case, I have .005 clearance at the base/web, and .004 at the shoulder. This is a big 30 caliber case--103 grains water--but I...
  12. J

    6.5 X47 Lg or small primer

    I read a while back, some of the PPC shooters were drilling/reaming the small flash hole from .059 to .070. The additional boost helped when using slower powders. If you have a vertical problem, seems like that might be worth trying before going large primer. As far as a primer for the 6.5...
  13. J

    6.5 X47 Lg or small primer

    Bob, what small primer, and what large primer were you using? Was the powder RE-15 or slower? Jerry
  14. J

    6.5MM 120-130g Custom Bullets?

    Charles--What size is the flash hole drilled/reamed to? Seventy thousandths?
  15. J

    Loose Primer Pocket Results?

    What is the consequence of having loose primer pockets? Loss of velocity? Ignition variation? I have a group of cases that were loaded too-hot in testing, wonder why are generally discarded. Jerry
  16. J

    6.5MM 120-130g Custom Bullets?

    Sam, For some reason, I have been having good luck with my 6.5x47 Ackley Improved Light Gun. I shoot 130 JLK's with Reloder 15 and CCI 450's at 1000yds, 2940 FPS and very accurate. I recently finished a Heavy Gun 6.5x47 AIX, or an Ackley with the shoulder moved forward .090, similar to what...
  17. J

    6.5MM 120-130g Custom Bullets?

    Sam, I think you have mentioned about all the 6.5 bullets, except maybe the 120 grain Sierras and 130grain Normas. You are on the right track with this concept, I believe. Here is an old 6mmBR post from the late Shelly Davidson, he was experimenting with his version of a 6.5 BRX. He was...
  18. J

    Just ordered a 6.5x47 Lapua Krieger barrel

    You will probably have your best luck with Lapua 123 and Berger 130's. The primer that works is CCI 450, and Reloder 15 consistently gives good accuracy. Others to try are Fed 205M primer and Varget and H4350 powder.
  19. J

    Used Grizzly G4003 or New PM 12x36?

    I was about to buy a new Precision Mathews 12x36" lathe ($2995 delivered) when I saw a 2005 Grizzly G4003 in the paper for sale with extra tooling for $2000. I'll need to pick it up. I'm new to metal lathes, it will have light use by me. What do I look for in problems a used Grizzly might...
  20. J

    How to determine freebore for a reamer

    I'm drawing up a short 6.5x284 case and getting ready to order the reamer, and would like to spec the freebore. I pushed back the shoulder (using a 300 Win Mag die) on a standard 6.5x284 case, and have the water capacity where I want it. The shoulder is 25 degrees at this stage. Is there a...