Search results

  1. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Hot and muggy today,but we shot anyway!!! Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 126 2nd Bob Leier 125 3rd Ray Cohoon 111 Custon Rimfire 1st Tom...
  2. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Hot and muggy day today,but we shot our Varmint Match anyway. Centerfire Factory 1st Ray Cahoon 156-4x 2nd Ron Goodger 139-5x 3rd Bob Leier 126-2x...
  3. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We shoot our Rimfire Egg Shoot today,it was a hot one.But,we had some good competition. Fun!!! Factory Rimfire Custom Rimfire 1st Mark Caldwell 10-4 1st Duane Mettert...
  4. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    On Saturday 7/13 is our next Rimfire Egg Shoot. On Sunday 7/14 is our next Varmint Match. Big weekend with lots of fun!! See you there!!! Tom
  5. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    On Sunday 7/14 is our next Varmint Match. See you there!!! Tom
  6. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Another rainy day,and cool too!! Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 7 2nd Tom Kindig 5 3rd Mark Caldwell 0 Custom Rimfire 1st Bob Leier...
  7. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Another rainy day. Cool temps!!! Factory Centerfire 1st Scott Underwood 10 2nd Ron Goodger 9-2 3rd Ken Steinbrecher 9-0 Custom Centerfire 1st Ron Goodger...
  8. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Rain,Rain,Rain.Plenty today!!! Factory Centerfire 1st Tom Kindig 167 1x 2nd Bob Leier 156 3x 3rd Ray Cohoon 154 Custom Centerfire...
  9. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Lots of rain today and a slight breeze. Factory rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 148 2nd Ray Cohoon 100 3rd Bob Leier 91 Custom Rimfire...
  10. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Our next Rimfire Shoot is at our Varmint Match 6/9/19 The Rimfire part of the match will start about 12:30 pm after lunch. Join the fun!! Tom
  11. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Our next Varmint Match is 6/9/19 We will be shooting 200 and 300 yds. Join us for the fun. Tom
  12. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Bad weather today. Rimfire Factory 1st Tom Kindig 10 2nd Bob Leier 6 Rimfire Custom 1st Bob Leier 10 2nd Tom Kindig...
  13. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Bad weather for this Holiday Weekend. Factory Centerfire 1st Tom Kindig 9 2nd Debbie Goodger 7 3rd Ron Goodger 6 Custom Centerfire 1st Ron Goodger 10-3...
  14. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Our next Rimfire Egg Shoot is Sunday 5/26 at 12:30 P.M. Don't muss the fun !!! Tom
  15. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Our first Egg Shoot of the season is Sunday 5/26. Don't miss the fun!!! Tom
  16. K

    ABRA Michigan Results 5.1.19

    kbs Good info I finally found out where I was in the standings.
  17. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a fun shoot today.Finally some decent weather.WoW!!! 22 Rimfire at 50 yds 1st Duane Mettert 10-3-1-3 2nd Tom Kindig 10-3-1-1 3rd Mike Stempien...
  18. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a rimfire Egg Shoot today,rain ,wind,and cold.We got wet but had a good time. 22 caliber 50 yd shoot 1st Gary Niederhauser 10-3-1-1 2nd Tom Kindig 10-3-1-0 3rd Mike Stempien 10-2...
  19. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Sunday 9/30/18 is our Blue Egg Match. This is our last rifle match of the year. I hope to see you there. Tom
  20. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Sunday 9/30/18 is our Blue Egg Match. This is our last rifle match of the year. I hope to see you there. Tom